The Fairy of the Meadows

Fairy Meadows Ski Trip

March 13-20, 1999

Hut Information

It is a 2-story wooden building last renovated (completely) in 1992. In 1994 a wood-fired sauna accomodating ten people was added. It is a "wet" sauna so bring soap and shampoo.

It is well supplied with kitchen utensiles but apparently lacks a cappucino maker :(

Water is available 100 m away. Carrying it that distance saves a great deal of fuel over melting snow.

Wood is on a deck in front and also by the sauna. There is a supplementary supply which gets buried and may need to be dug out if it is needed.

Plenty of tools (wood cutting/splitting and shoveling) are available.

The outhouse is a short scenic walk away, as is the sauna. In the same general direction but not next to each other!

The hut is not maintained between groups, and the outhouse contents are flown out only once at the end of the season (at great cost). It is necessary to keep garbage bagged (do not put into latrine!) and bring it out, and to thoroughly clean up the hut before leaving it.

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